The turnout in the vote reached over 50% which is significant for such a ballot. If this had been a formal vote on industrial action it would have meant the branch would have reached over the legal threshold to be able to follow up the process of industrial dispute under the current trade union balloting laws so many thanks to all of you that participated. This is an important fact worth noting as we look forward to building the Branch further so that when we enter into negotiations for 23-24 we are in an even stronger position should we need to take action. This is something we will be communicating to SMT at future meetings so they are further aware of strength of feeling on pay.
The vote result is as follows –
Accept 64.71%
Reject 35.29%
So on that basis UCU CRC Branch accepts the final pay offer from SMT. We would however like to point out that although the majority result is to accept we did get overwhelming feedback that members were very unhappy with the 2.5% offer for all staff / rising up to 2.5%-6.5% for support staff under 22k band but are taking a pragmatic approach on viewing the offer as a whole with the expectation that any offer for 23-24 will see an improvement in a consolidated pay offer for all staff.
Full Details of all the offer here – FE pay claim 2022 – final offer
Last July following consultation with members we submitted our pay claim for 22-23 and commenced the scheduled 3 meetings for negotiation on this claim so I wanted to update you all on progress so far.
The first meeting on 6/7/22 was to follow up the lodging of the claim and consisted of discussion around the various elements so that the college were clear on our demands. It was also opportunity to discuss their initial response and for us to request documentary evidence such as up to date financial information so that we could complete any due diligence necessary to the financial status of the college in relation to any offers. Shortly after that meeting we received the first formal response and offer for consideration.
Today (1/9/22) we had our second of those meetings to reply to that first response to our claim. Currently the position is that whilst all the elements of part 2 of the claim are agreed in principal which is very positive progress, the offer in regards to part 1 of the consolidated pay awards is not satisfactory. We have formally asked them to revisit this with a view to return to the third meeting with an improved offer. They have agreed to do this. There is positive acknowledgement and empathy from the college that staff are facing a cost of living crisis with a will to review their response to see what might be possible within the budget constraints. We expect the outcome of that review to take some weeks so we may not have any more updates for you until the end of September. The next steps will be that after the third meeting we will confirm the final offer from the college to put to members for ballot. We will hold online meetings at that point also to report back and answer any questions. Just to confirm any offer (if accepted) by members would be backdated from August 1st.