
UCU has put equality at the heart of its activities on behalf of its members.

Many UCU branches have equality officers who can assist you if you have any concerns on an equality-related issue.

Our Equality Reps are –

Currently VACANT email ucu@camre.ac.uk if you are interested in becoming a Rep


UCU – standing proudly against racism – BLACK LIVES MATTER

Yet another black person has been killed at the hands of the police in the USA. The events taking place there this year are the latest bloody chapter of centuries of racism and oppression of black people. The magnitude of his death can be felt across the world by black people who experience the violence of state and other racism every day.

Here in the UK, as in the USA, black communities face structural inequalities resulting in disproportionately high numbers dying as a result of Coronavirus, unprecedented levels of unemployment and ongoing race discrimination in the workplace.

UCU stands in solidarity with George Floyd and we send our sincerest condolences to his family and loved ones.

UCU stands in solidarity with protestors across the world seeking to address generations of injustice.

UCU stands against racism.

UCU stands on the side of justice.

UCU stands for #blacklivesmatter.


Some years ago following a racist incident against one of our members in the classroom we approached the college to request that (as part of a pro-active stance against racism at the college) that this day became an annual event in the college calender.

This Year Wear Red Day is on Friday 16th October – more info on events at the College will be sent out in due course but you can read more about it nationally here – https://www.theredcard.org/wear-red-day

Wear Red 2019 Photos