We Did It! 7% for all Staff
At the beginning of this academic year UCU and the other unions successfully negotiated a pay offer of 7% that was put to and agreed by members. Backdated from August 1st payment all staff received this in Novembers pay in time for Christmas shopping.. In addition, for Lecturing staff, two further pay increments that would previously been dependent on a specific application process that required approval will now be considered annually in accordance with the usual incremental process criteria currently in place within the Lecturer Contract.
It can’t be underestimated what a difference it made to the success of the negotiations with senior management of having a strong branch of UCU members that had voted overwhelmingly to take industrial action should the college not have put forward an acceptable pay offer. The more members we have and the more active we all are = the more we can achieve as a union branch. If you are reading this and are not already a member, please join now -details above.
What Next? – Pay was not the only element of the award that was agreed in October but also these local non-pay elements
- The Variable Hours Contract terms will be reviewed and updated, as previously discussed.
- The Workload Group will reconvene to discuss workload concerns outside of the systems and processes reviews currently underway. Further details will also be shared with the unions representatives regarding the Systems and Processes Groups activities and timeframes for implementation.
- The College is happy to enter discussions regarding career paths for Learning Support Mentors
Some of this work is well underway but in the New Year we will be working further to complete these objectives and will be consulting with members particularly on the issue of Workload so Watch This Space……but you will need to be a member to get the latest updates so see the JOIN UCU tab if you are not a member already.